Saturday, March 28, 2009

What Is The Key To Online Marketing?

What Is The Key To Online Marketing?

Effectively marketing your product can be a challenge at times. Marketing your product or service online can be an even bigger challenge. It tends to take a lot of effort to get the boulder moving up the hill. Once it does move, it tends to go along with little effort. There are a few key points to successful online marketing.

Marketing online holds many of the same principals that would be incorporated into a brick in mortar storefront. It will take repetition to brand/sell your product(s). Many buyers need to see your product at least seven times before they will commit to purchasing the product. Keep this in mind; it takes at least 7 different marketing efforts to get a sale. Unfortunately, most online marketers never make it this far.

Writing great sales copy is another great tool in successful online marketing. You have to write burning hot sales copy… You need to write as if you are your buyer, what are the benefits, why would you buy the product, how easy is it to buy the product. These factors should be considered at all time when coming up with your sales literature. If you don’t feel that writing burning hot sales literature is you strong suit, you can always outsource this to copywriters. You can find many services online that will take care of this function for you.

List building and keep in constant contact with your list is an essential key to successful key to online marketing. After all, the real money is in your list. These people are already aware of who you are. They have already agreed to opt-in to your newsletter, they are prime targets for your online marketing efforts. The key point to remember with your list is to stay in constant contact. This goes back to the principal above about effective online marketing, it takes seven different points of contact with your product on average to make a sale. So, you can see why staying in contact with your list is critical. Many online marketers make the mistake of contact there list every few weeks or so. This process will be doomed for failure. Your members will forget who you are or why they are receiving emails from you.

To have success with online marketing you must get your image out in front of as many different sources as possible. In some matters it is quantity over quality. Now, I want to clarify that statement. Your marketing material and images need to ALWAYS be of high quality. The statement refers to venues in which your product/image may appear. The more places you can post your image with a link back to your site the better. This plays on the link building strategies that are common practice.
Jason Rossi is an expert affiliate marketer who rakes in over $300,000 annually via his amazing simple online profit system. Learn how you, too, can break free from the 9-5 rut by doing what Jason does. Just visit . The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its content remains unchanged and the author’s byline remains in place.

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